Attivo dal 07.05.2002 | Sito non ufficiale
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Living in the land of sweetener
Paid the price of an existence you impose and I would long for

Living in the land of sweetener is not fun

And on and on and on

I would have killed to be in your land

Your democratic combination of nazi trends

But we living in the land of sweetener

And we're coming on and on

What we always got as a sweetener

It's coming on and on

Land of freedom land of wisdom

You care only about one culture

You helping us carrying the weight of our cultural gap

But something is going wrong

I would have killed to be your race

Maybe I'd impose someone my system

Living in the province of the empire is not fun

We're coming on and on

What we always got as a sweetener

It's coming on and on

Paid the price of an existence

You impose and I would long for

Living in the land of sweetener is not fun

And on and on and on

I would have killed to be your race

How destruction can meet grace

You helping us carrying the weight of our cultural gap

But something will go wrong

What we always got as a sweetener

It's coming on and on